Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cleans can save your life....

This full clean is a great exercise but also very demanding on the nervous system.  It involves many movements that incorporates many of the body's large muscle groups in a dynamic fashion.  What frustrates most is the ability of the nervous system to  handle the many movements.  The demand on focus and concentration may fatigue and frustrate most.  Which may be why most may shy away from performing them.  In the end focus and determination will pay off as this is one of the many ways to build explosive strength and power. 

Keep in mind that when doing cleans on the 2nd floor of your apartment with 125lbs neighbors may get their broomstick to their ceiling....I'm just talkin' here!

Today's WOD....
4 rounds
10 full cleans ...Weight can be scaled or done with medicine ball.
30 sit ups

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