Thursday, February 18, 2010

PALEO....It's whats for dinner!!!!!!!!!!

Looking to see how to get started in eating well.  Here's the blueprint to get you started.  Shop on the perimeter of the grocery store.  Stay away from preserved foods as they are high in sodium and stuff you cant pronounce.  The label should just say what it is...example...almond butter should say Ingredients.."almonds"
    1. Base the majority of your diet on garden vegetabls especially greens
    2. Eat lean meats
    3. Some nuts and seeds
    4. Take in very little starch,
    5. NO SUGAR.
Best way to determine if the food is paleo or not....if the caveman didn't have the ingredients available to him, you don't eat it. 

This is a hard transition so don't go cold turkey start with lunch or dinner.  Slowly transition, it's not easy but after a week you will see and feel the benefits. 

For further reading google "paleo diet"

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